Does God Have a Long Nose?
by R.P. Nettelhorst
Chapter Two: Religion
Part One: Characteristics of religions and approaches to the study of religion.
Part Two: Overview of the world's religions: High God Concept, Primitive Religion, Animism, Polytheism, Atheism, and Agnosticism.
Part Three: Overview of the world's religions: Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Sikkhism, Shintoism, Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Islam, Bahai, and Christianity. The Christian's attitude toward other religions.
Chapter Four: Bibliology: The Doctrine of Scripture
Part One:
General information about the text of scripture and its reliability.
Part Two: Textual criticism, the nature of translation, and the question of canon.
Part Three: General and Special Revelation, basic guiding principles of Bible study, and the theological method.
Part Four: The value of knowledge; wisdom and the two revelations of God.
Chapter Five: Theology Proper: The Doctrine of God
Part One: Introduction, the holiness of God, and the question of suffering.
Part Two: The transcendence of God and the love of God.
Part Three: The covenants of God: how God expresses his love.
Part Four: The Trinity
Chapter Six: Patriology: The Doctrine of the Father
Chapter Seven: Christology: The Doctrine of the Son
Part One: Messiahship, Historical views, Christ's Pre-existence, the Virgin Birth, and the Incarnation.
Part Two: The Offices of Christ: Prophet, Priest, and King. The baptism, temptation, transfiguration, garden struggle, death, and resurrection of Christ.
Chapter Eight: Pneumatology: The Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
Chapter Nine: Anthropology: The Doctrine of Humanity
Part One: Who Am I?
Part Two: Why Am I Here?
Part Three: Where Am I Going?
Part Four: Eschatology
Chapter Ten: Soteriology: The Doctrine of Salvation
Part One: Introduction, salvation in the Old Testament, the sacrificial system, and the age of accountability.
Part Two: The nature of the Gospel.
Part Three: Important terms: reconciliation, propitiation, redemption, faith, repentance, justification, sanctification, prayer, and eternal security. Also a summary of Armenianism and Calvanism.
Chapter Eleven: Ecclesiology: The Doctrine of the Church
Part One: Origin of the Church, its purpose, government, historical overview, membership, ordinances and sacraments.
Part Two: Church leadership, discipline, and the separation of church and state.
Part Three: The relation of the Old Testament and New Testament, the Church and Israel.
Chapter Twelve: Angelology: The Doctrine of Angels, Demons, and Satan
Appendix One: Apologetic Flowchart
Appendix Two: Usage of Hesed in the Old Testament
Appendix Three: The Holy Spirit in the Old Testament
Appendix Four: Angels in the Old Testament
Appendix Five: Sheol in the Old Testament
Appendix Six: The Love of God in the Old Testament, an Outline
Appendix Seven: Does Anybody Love God?
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