4. History
The courses in History are designed to help students develop an understanding of the complex factors that have produced the civilization of the present and to understand the nature of human societies.
H201-3 History of Civilization
3 units
The history of the world from prehistoric times to the present with an emphasis on the development of Western Civilization.
H204-6 Church History
3 units
The history of the Church from the first century to the present, with an emphasis on the church in Europe and North America.
H301-3 United States History
3 units
The history of the United States from colonial times to the present.
H350-52 History of Modern Europe
3 units
History of Europe from the discovery of America to the present.
H371-3 Reformation
3 units
A course covering the background and development of the Reformation, Counter Reformation and the religious wars.
H391-3 Jewish History
3 units
The history of the Jewish people from biblical times to the present, with a special emphasis on the Medieval through Modern periods.
H395-97 Baptist History
3 units
A history of the Baptists, from the Anabaptists to the present.
H401-3 Introduction to Political Science
3 units
An overview of the theory and nature of government.
H411 Introduction to Economics
3 units
A survey and analysis of the economic concepts, logic, tools, principles, and institutions. An examination of various economic theories will be included.
H101 World Geography
3 units
A geographical survey of the world's major regions with emphasis on those features important to understanding current global problems.