1. Bible and Theology
Courses in Bible and Theology stress the understanding and interpretation of biblical literature, both in English and in the original languages. Graduate level courses (those with numbers 5 and above) may be taken only by those who have at least two years of Hebrew and Greek. The Bible program at Quartz Hill School of Theology emphasizes the original languages and it is expected that our graduates will have a good reading knowledge of Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek.
B670-72 Pentateuch
3 units
(Prerequisites - B201-6 Bible Survey; L401-3 Intermediate Hebrew) A seminar on the content and message of the first five books of the Old Testament, Genesis-Deuteronomy.
B680-82 Wisdom Literature
3 units
(Prerequisites - B201-6 Bible Survey; L401-3 Intermediate Hebrew) A seminar on the content and message of the Wisdom books and segments of the Bible: The Joseph Narrative, Proverbs, Job, Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs, Wisdom Psalms, James.
B691-93 Major Prophets
3 units
(Prerequisites - B201-6 Bible Survey; L401-3 Intermediate Hebrew) A seminar on the content and message of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel and Daniel.
B645-47 Minor Prophets
3 units
(Prerequisites - B201-6 Bible Survey; L401-3 Intermediate Hebrew) A seminar on the twelve books, Hosea-Malachi.
B694-96 Historical Literature
3 units
(Prerequisites - B201-6 Bible Survey; L401-3 Intermediate Hebrew) A seminar on Joshua, Judges, Ruth, 1-2 Samuel, 1-2 Kings, 1-2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Esther.
B683-85 Psalms
3 units
(Prerequisites - B201-6 Bible Survey; L401-3 Intermediate Hebrew) A seminar on the content and message of the 150 Psalms.
B686-88 Gospels
3 units
(Prerequisites - B201-6 Bible Survey; L411-13 Intermediate Greek) A seminar on the four Gospels with particular emphasis on the Synoptic problem.
B673-74 Acts
3 units
(Prerequisites - B201-6 Bible Survey; L411-13 Intermediate Greek) A seminar on the early Church as recorded in the book of Acts.
B675-77 Pauline Literature
3 units
(Prerequisites - B201-6 Bible Survey; L411-13 Intermediate Greek) A seminar on Paul's Letters.
B678-79 Revelation
3 units
(Prerequisites - B201-6 Bible Survey; L411-13 Intermediate Greek) A seminar on the Apocalypse, with comparisons to apocalyptic literature in the Old Testament and in extra-biblical literature. The class will acquaint the student with the major alternative approaches to interpreting the book.
B635-37 General Epistles
3 units
(Prerequisites - B201-6 Bible Survey; L411-3 Intermediate Greek) A seminar on the nonPauline letters of the New Testament: Hebrews, 1-2 Peter, 1-3 John, James, and Jude.
B741-42 Apocrypha
3 units
(Prerequisite - B201-6 Bible Survey; L401-3 Intermediate Hebrew; L411-13 Intermediate Greek; L431-32 Biblical Aramaic) A study of the books of the apocrypha and pseudopigrapha of both the Old and New Testaments.
B497-9 Old Testament Theology
3 units
(Prerequisite - B211-13 Theology; L201-3 Elementary Hebrew) A seminar covering questions of theology centered in the Old Testament in particular.
B721-3 Eschatology
3 units
(Prerequisite - B211-13 Theology) A seminar covering a particularly tricky and controversial area of theology, designed to allow the students to examine and discuss the various possible approaches, questions and problems.
B822-24 Apologetics
3 units
How to present a reasoned defense of the gospel; the student will be exposed to the various attacks that have been leveled at the Bible and Christianity, whether religious, historical, or scientific. Rebuttals to the challenges, and the evangelistic opportunities they present will be demonstrated.
B861 Exegesis and Hermeneutics
3 units
The course will help the student learn the basic principles of exegesis and hermeneutics -- the study and interpretation of scripture.
B711-3 Theological Systems
3 units
(Prerequisites - B211-13 Theology; B201-6 Bible Survey) The course will study the various approaches in contemporary theology: Dispensationalism, Covenant Theology, Reformed Theology, Wesleyan Theology, Neo-orthodoxy, Neo-evangelicalism, Reconstructionism, Charismatic, Prosperity, Fundamentalism, Liberalism, Liberation Theology, Black Theology, Feminist Theology and others.
B901 Teaching Assistant
4 units
(Prerequisite: permission of the instructor) A student will teach an undergraduate course. May be repeated for credit.
B910-12 Research Seminar
4 units
(Prerequisite: to be taken during last year of Master's program) A seminar designed to instruct the student in writing his or her dissertation; methods of research and aid with choosing a topic will be part of the class.
B999 Seminar in Bible
3 units
(Prerequisite: permission of the instructor) A research seminar on a biblical topic, chosen at the instructor's discretion.